Thursday 8 October 2015

Nine Frame Analysis

Hello to my readers. I haven't blogged for a while - I'll admit that - but we've started planning for our 2 minute film opening! Yay! For inspiration, I have been looking at some opening sequences but I have been looking at their nine frames and I analysed these clips using the website:

I first took a look at the film that I have already posted on my blog called 'Moon' which was directed by Duncan Jones. I have also a included the opening from 'Moon'. 

Throughout this, every time I have seen this opening I always like how the opening introduces us not only to the world that the character lives in but to how the character lives in that world. I like this idea and have already got an idea of introducing the world my characters live in during the opening sequence. 

I then took a look at another nine frame sequence and analysed it from 'The Walking Dead'. I have never seen this TV show and took the advice of someone to look at it after I told them I was doing a dystopian film opening and my ideas that I had at that point. 

Throughout this opening sequence two things were brought to my attention: a) don't use music that overpowers the action and b) do not focus too much on the world the sequence is set in. This also made me realise that I wanted to know more about the characters and was given no information.

The opening to 'The Walking Dead' is below:

Overall I like the opening sequence to 'Moon' the most and have taken some ideas for my own opening sequence from it. 

For precise information on these two opening sequences click on this for 'Moon' or that for 'The Walking Dead'

1 comment:

  1. Really interesting thoughts. I can't wait to see your plans! Just one adjustment - would be really good to add screenshots from the Art of the Title website of the nine frames from each of these films, and put them as links to their pages on the website.
