Thursday 15 October 2015

Background Info

  • The night is the only time when the world is safe anymore. 
  • People are too scared to go outside due to the infected who roam the ruined world and the people fear that they will also be turned. 
  • Most children have never seen daylight 
  • Day is cold and the Night is warm 
  • People have fled the main cities due to the disease 
  • The first symptom is temperature and fiery itch that leads to a maddening temper and self-harm 
  • People have given up on hope 
  • The world has become barren due to the temperature and only winter plants have survived 
  • The infected are known as ‘the broken’ as their minds are broken 
  • Even though the night is safety, people are afraid to fall asleep - especially around twilight - as that is the time when ‘the broken’ come to shelter and can attack (fear is safety) 
  • The world has been ruined after the apocalypse and caused an eternal winter 
  • Along with it, a biological weapon was released during the tremors and destruction of the apocalypse therefore releasing a disease which drove people mad and slowly killed them. These people were known as the Broken 
  • Black Sands is a nickname for the last surviving, uninfected city which it was given by the outside people due to how it continues to pollute the world and the bank of the river where it is turned black

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