Wednesday 16 March 2016

Evaluation Question Six || What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

When I started this project I only had vague knowledge about the technology I would be using. I had never used an Apple laptop or any of the software that I have been using such as Final Cut Pro and Motion.

I have been filming school events since I was in year 7 and therefore had reasonable experience with using the camera. The tripod was more of an issue, having never really used it due to having always filmed handheld. This meant that I learnt a lot more about using the tripod due to filming 'Black Sands' as well as still doing filming for school events such as the production of Bugsy Malone and the year 10 coursework.

At the beginning of the course I purchased an Apple Macbook and I was amazed at how different an Apple laptop is to a normal laptop. After a couple of weeks, I finally started to get the hang of it. After getting to grips with iMovie I decided that I wanted to expand my editing ability further and purchased both Final Cut Pro and Motion. I had no idea how advanced Final Cut Pro actually was and it took me a while to get to grips on how to actually use it to the extent that I needed. When I designed my film ident on Motion it similarly took me a little while to figure out how to use it. I had been told that it was a lot like using Photoshop - which I am useless at using. However, I didn't let this get me down. Embarrassingly, after taking a couple of days to actually figure out how to just add text, I started to properly start designing my ident. Within a couple of days it was finished and I was happy with how it had turned out.

Also, I had never actually blogged before. I had been part of the media team on at school however I had always written proper articles and posts instead of using as a form of blogging. Blogger was a completely new website for me to use and it was completely new for me.

Alike to never having had a Blogger account, I had never actually had an account on YouTube either. I had been wanting to set up an account on YouTube for a couple of years and now I have one I can actually show YouTube my film editing skills as well as post my coursework online.

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