Monday 4 January 2016

Film Experience - See What We're Made Of

So this is probably the last video I will ever edit on iMovie. Over the Christmas period I purchased Final Cut Pro which is extremely advanced. It's taking me ages to adjust to all the weird controls but I'm slowly getting the hang of it. It's a tad annoying that I'd just figured my way around iMovie and now I'm having to figure out a whole new system but I'm pretty sure it will be worth it.

I made this video a couple of weeks ago and this time I tried to add some voiceovers in it. Adding the voiceovers was a lot more complicated than I had originally thought it would be, having to enhance the voiceover instead of having the software focus on the music as well as actually have the voiceovers match the video (that is key). 

I used a song called 'The Scorch' by the YouTuber Shelby Merry - who has a written a selection of songs for the Maze Runner series, being a fan of the book series by James Dashner. Director Wes Ball of the Maze Runner films has apparently considered using her songs but has not yet used any.

Hope you enjoyed this video and I hope these videos are improving my video editing ability...

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