Thursday 28 January 2016

Further Studies Of Film Openings

If you follow my blog you will know that I am a big fan of the Maze Runner series. Recently the opening scene of the second movie, The Scorch Trials was put on YouTube (and can be seen above). 

I love the use of the mainly black and blue filter that this sequence from the film was put through. I noticed that there are a lot of horror conventions at the start of the opening. For instance the close up of the dog barking or the use of the chain fence which is brought in front of the camera making the audience feel boxed in or trapped. I also love the use of the muffled diegetic sound yet the use of the clear non-diegetic soundtrack is also very effective. 

Overall, I think this a interesting take on a film opening. It follows the traditional flashback convention however it also coexists within dream and reality. I also like the idea of the introduction to a key character (the blonde woman) so early in film because it emphasises that she will return or that she has a key part to play later in the film. I would like to think that an introduction such as this would be like the one I have planned for the character of Ruth.

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