Wednesday 23 September 2015

Dystopian Effects (aka dystopian make-up)

So, yesterday I posted a blog saying I was making a compilation of dystopian effects from films that make you look like you've been wounded etc. because as I mentioned in my previous blog on dystopian effects, no character looks immaculate without a scrape or a dirt covered face.

I have to admit, I'm pretty sure both of these were done for Halloween but they have proved to be a lot of help with my vague ideas of what the characters will look like or what will have happened to them...

Fake Wound
Firstly, I took a clip from the BBC Blast channel on youtube. Although the camera is a bit shaky and all over the place, I knew that this clip would be helpful and reliable as it was made by BBC professionals. The use of a fake cut is a great idea and cuts will be seen throughout most action films. To be honest, it's impossible for a character not to injure themselves at some point in the film.

Personally, I don't like the idea of the shards of glass sticking out the wound - so ignore that part. Overall, I found it quite useful and easy to follow. 

Scarring & Fake Dirt
Next, I found a clip which was definitely done for Halloween but I think it is really, really useful. I think the milky white contact lens and the kryolan rigid collodion is a bit much (the collodion can actually scar your skin) but I love how she's shown how to draw the scar and how she's applied all the fake dirt. In fact just how she has generally transformed herself into a dystopian woman.

Alike to the first video, please ignore the bits about the full costume that she did because I know for a fact that I don't want my one to look like that at all. These people are meant to be dressed to survive not to look good. So I'm still working on the costume part of my film opening but I have ideas...

Bruises & Black Eyes
So, my next one was a basic black eye. I thought I could also use some of the effects that she used to create different bruises such as on the arm etc. 

I also learnt online that you can use wax for different effects such as scars (therefore not using the kryolan rigid collodion) not just fake open wounds. I'm not sure how the wax will come off afterwards but that's something for me to look into!

Also another way of looking dirty is to smudge coffee and charcoal on your skin, sealing it with a well known summer must have: sun cream (preferably spray on). Not to forgetting fake blood which can be made in two ways:

1. Red food colouring and washing-up liquid (non-edible fake blood)
2. Red food colouring, golden syrup and other sticky things (edible fake blood)

I have used both before and they work really well. I tend to add nutella to my edible fake blood because it makes the fake blood taste nice if you have a wound round your mouth and accidentally lick it. But try not to make it taste too nice, otherwise you'll probably have none left once you've applied it!

So that's all I have on the make-up part for my dystopian effects! I know it's not much and I'll probably add more as I go along...

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