Saturday 12 September 2015

My Favourite Dystopian Films and TV Shows

Having chosen the sci-fi dystopian genre for my Media short opening I wanted to evaluate my top 2 films and TV shows within that genre.

WARNING: If you haven't read or watched these films/TV shows there are spoilers ahead

1. The Maze Runner Series
As anyone would know - if you knew me, that is - I love 'The Maze Runner' series. I can't wait for 'The Scorch Trials' to come out this year! What I love about 'The Maze Runner' is that you always think you are safe and then BANG there's something else. It could only be a small detail like the key or the maze changing but you know that they'll never be safe until they're out of the maze. Or will they be safe! Another thing I love about this movie is that I can imagine myself being thrown into those situations. I can imagine the government testing the newer generations for cures to a disease, I can imagine being put into a enclosed environment with people my age and I can imagine how people my age would have to adapt to survive in those set conditions. That's why it appeals to me. Throughout the film you are supposed to see everything through the main character: Thomas's view. However whenever I watch it I always find myself correcting him. A sort of 'I wouldn't have done that' or 'you idiot' etc. I see it as my time in the Maze too. But one thing's for certain: I most definitely would not have become a runner!

'The Maze Runner' opening (after title):

2. V for Vendetta
I think 'V for Vendetta' is an amazing film. I came across one day over the summer holidays and I love it. It tells the story of Guy Fawkes and then jumps into the future to tell the story of V, a terrorist who wants to overthrow the totalitarian government governed by evil John Hurt. I like this film because it really gets you thinking about who is actually the good guy. Is it V or is it government who claim to have saved the country from the St.Mary's virus? I also love the way it builds up. It tells you part of the story in sections instead of giving you the character's past in one large chunk. Whenever I watch it I always think the government are like modern nazis which somehow gives it a sense of reality. Another thing that I like is that V and Guy Fawkes have exactly the same ideas but their stories are so different. I just think it's great!

V for Vendetta opening:

1. The 100
I love the TV show, 'The 100'. Words cannot describe it. I'm a big shipper of Bellarke (Bellamy and Clarke) and been watching it from when it first aired in England on E4. One of the things I love about it is that the 100 are all criminals or prisoners. They have been made expendable by authority on the Ark. I like how it is almost a coming of age story, about 100 teenage prisoners under the age of 18 who are forced to survive months on the Earth which has become radioactive and everything that we know about the Earth has changed after the nuclear apocalypse. I like how the world is so twisted and that we have now been forced to fear our own world. I also think that whoever had the imagination to create the TV show must be an incredible person. I love how the forests have been changed by the radiation and glow in the dark, I like how humans somehow survived and call themselves 'grounders', how they've made their own language, I like how simple things that we take advantage of are so interesting such as cars or a bottle of whisky. You can see yourself in the characters which makes them so lovable. 

The 100 (Season 2) opening:

2. Humans
Humans caught my attention early on in the series. I'm ashamed that I only started to watch it after the third episode. Based on the synths from the film 'Blade Runner', 'Humans' tells the story of five synths that have unusual functions - such as emotions - and prolonged lifespans. The series tells the story of the five synths (Leo, Max, Anita, Niska and Fred) who grew up together and are hunted down by the government. Again we see a link between the government trying to get rid of something new.

Humans (opening trailer - it was all I could find '-' )

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