Friday 4 September 2015

Experiences in Film || Editing

After I started research for my main task, I thought that I should show some of my experience within Film. I decided to start with my videos I have edited using clips from films and the internet:

1. This is the art of Performance

This was one of my early attempts and I can admit that it wasn't that good due to how quick the text disappears and it doesn't flow correctly. However that has taught me to try and get it to flow and look like it actually fits together now. 

Music by: John Paesano
Words of wisdom by Darcy Bussell

2. Safe & Sound

I am a big fan of the MARVEL universe so when they created the series 'Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D' I was very pleased. This is a fan based video I made to the song 'Safe and Sound' by Taylor Swift. In this I wanted to highlight the friendship between Daisy 'Skye' Johnson and Lincoln whilst Skye was in training with her mother. 

Music by: Taylor Swift
Clips from: Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

3. When the darkness comes

If you've been following my blog you'll have noticed that I love 'The Maze Runner' trilogy and when the first film came out I made this using the amazing song by Shelby Merry called 'When the Darkness Comes'; I wanted to try and tell the story of the Gladers through this video and I was very pleased with the outcome.

Music by: Shelby Merry
Clips from: The Maze Runner

4. Christmas Soldiers 

I made this last Christmas and was inspired to do this due to the fact that - at the time - I was studying WWII and I recalled how they thought the war would be over by Christmas. I thought that it would be a good idea to make a video because wars still occur now and some families wouldn't be seeing their relative around the festive time because they were fighting. I can't actually remember what the song I used is called but I used clips from the film 'War Horse' due to how it was based in WWI.

Clips from: War Horse

Throughout all of these videos please excuse my awful editing skills! These were made before I upgraded my editing software.

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