Monday 14 September 2015

Reviewing Our Preliminary Tasks

Today, in Media class, we were visited by a man from the film industry - having worked on films such as 'Star Wars: Phantom Menace' and 'Tomb Raider'. During his visit, he helped do further analysis of our preliminary tasks. 

Due to our film shorts being in alphabetical order, my one was evaluated first. His overall comments on my film short were:

In my clip, there were areas above the actress's head that didn't need to be there. This is called the 'head line'. Also when the actress sat down, the camera should have followed her for a better effect and I did not do that. Another point was that I should focus on the actor/actresses eye line so that it actually looks like they are looking at each other instead of facing each other at angles which made the clip look jumpy. Also the frame must be the same size. This means that the frames need to be the same size otherwise it is out of proportion and will look off. 

He then helped us to film a short with the improved techniques he had taught us. Here are the pictures in a small video clip below:


  1. Well done for making the most of your blog by creating a video of those still shots. That's how you gain the top marks, by using technology as far as you can to communicate in your blog. Superb!

    1. Thank you, Mrs Williams. The pictures wouldn't show up when I put it into my draft blog so I decided that they would work if I put them into a film
